Tiger Tales Newsletter

Volume 1: Issue 3
September 10, 2024

Tiger Tales Newsletter

1st day UPK

Greetings, SEMBACH Tigers!

Our Sembach TIGER Family is complete…Welcome, Universal Preschool Students!! Our littlest Tigers joined us last Tuesday. With big eyes and wide smiles, they lined up and walked into Sembach Elementary School for the first time! It was an amazing site to see, as this is the first Universal Preschool class that Sembach has ever had. Our teachers, aides and students had a wonderful week of exploration and getting to know each other.

The Sembach PTO has held their first meeting for the year as well! Great discussion was had regarding all the work that was put into prepping for the opening of our school year by supporting the Staff Opening Day, New Family Orientation, the Back to School Bash, Chalk the Walk days, school supplies, and concessions for Open House! THANK YOU for all you do for SES! We look forward to many upcoming events this year; Family Movies nights, Fall Fest, Popcorn Days, Spirit Wear, and the annual Holiday Shop, to only name a few. Please see the PTO flyers that are emailed home for information about how YOU can join the PTO and lend a hand!

Our first School Photo Day was today, and it was so amazing seeing all our Tigers dressed up and ready to say, CHEESE!!! The proofs and ordering information will be shared with each family this year, with a DEADLINE in which to order your school photos. Please let us know if you have any questions.

A reminder about arrival and dismissal procedures at Sembach ES: Students that are brought to school by parents should either walk their child(ren) to the front door or allow their child(ren) to walk in from the parent parking lot or “kiss and drop” zone. Parents, please refrain from entering the building at this time, as it causes a disruption to the beginning of day procedures for our students and teachers. Would you like to meet with your child’s teacher? Wonderful! Please email or call the teacher to set up an appropriate time. Dismissal: UPK parents, please pick up at the office/side entrance of the school. All other students will be coming to the front door to be dismissed. Thank you so much for your cooperation and support!

At Sembach Elementary School we strive to provide safe, nurturing, and engaging educational environments for all our students!


Here's to another fantastic week of learning at SES!

Martha Enyeart, Principal

Sembach Elementary School



Sembach Roar Poster

Registrar's Corner

PSCing Poster for Sembach ES

Nurse's Corner

Nurses Corner for Weekly Newsletter
Attachment Size
Flyers - Full Length (3.59 MB) 3.59 MB


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First Day UPK!

We welcomed our youngest students, our Tiger Cubs, to Universal PreKindergarten on Tuesday, September 3, 2024.
We are now complete!

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Attendance Policy

In accordance with the policy stated in DoDEA Regulation 2095.01, “School Attendance,” August 26, 2011, as amended, school attendance is mandatory. All students are required to attend school to ensure continuity of instruction and that they successfully meet academic standards and demonstrate continuous educational progress. School attendance is a joint responsibility between the parent or sponsor, student, classroom teacher, school personnel, and, in some cases, the Command. Students with excessive school absences (or tardiness) shall be monitored by the Student Support Team to assist in the completion of all required work and successful mastery of course objectives.

Daily student attendance is identified based upon a quarter of the school day formula. Students will be identified as present or absent, based on the following criteria:

  1. Absent up to 25% of the school day = absent one-quarter of the school day
  2. Absent between 26%–50% of the school day = absent one-half of the school day
  3. Absent 51%–75% of the school day = absent three-quarters of the school day
  4. Absent 76%–100% of the school day = full-day absence

DoDEA considers the following conditions to constitute reasonable cause for absence from school for reasons other than school-related activities:

  1. Personal illness;
  2. Medical, dental, or mental health appointment;
  3. Serious illness in the student’s immediate family;
  4. A death in the student’s immediate family or of a relative;
  5. Religious holiday;
  6. Emergency conditions such as fire, flood, or storm;
  7. Unique family circumstances warranting absence and coordinated with school administration;
  8. College visits that cannot be scheduled on non-school days; and
  9. A pandemic event.

Unexcused absences may result in school disciplinary actions. An absence from school or a class without written verification from a parent or sponsor will be unexcused. Student attendance is calculated based upon the date of enrollment in a DoDEA school, which may occur anytime during the school year. Student attendance monitoring is designed to provide a continuum of intervention and services to support families and children in keeping children in school and combating truancy and educational neglect. Parents should notify the school of their child’s absence 30 minutes after the start of the school day. Too many unexcused absences may trigger the Student Support Team to convene.

DoDEA School Dress Code

Image showing dress code and location of armpit and mid-thigh

Students MUST wear:

  • Tops with sleeves (sleeveless tops/dresses are permitted for school sponsored formal events such as prom)
  • Solid clothing (not transparent or translucent) that fully covers the top and bottom from armpit to mid-thigh
  • Shoes (shoes must be safe for the school environment)
    • Bedroom slippers shall not be worn, except for school activities approved by the principal
    • Open toe shoes with a strap across the heel are allowed

Students CANNOT wear clothing with:

  • Language or images promoting violence
  • Language or images that depict, promote, or advocate the illegal use or sale of drugs, alcohol or tobacco products; violent conduct; curse words; pornography; that contain threats or expressions which are violent, discriminatory, lewd or obscene; or that advocate or promote any other illegal item or activity or the use of same
  • Derogatory speech/imagery targeting groups based on race/color, ethnicity/national origin, sex, disability, religion, or any other characteristic protected by law
  • Headgear that obscures the face (except as a religious observance or health purpose); clothing items with hoods attached can be worn but must not cover the head

* Teachers/courses can require certain attire as part of the curriculum (for example: physical education, culinary) that may include specific dress

* DoDEA issued athletic uniforms and athletic practice attire outside of the DoDEA school dress code is permitted when worn by participants during athletic practices and sports events

School Hours

Office Hours (Monday - Friday) Summer Hours (Monday - Friday)

7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Sembach ES Instructional Hours

Grade Regular Hours (Mon, Tue, Wed & Fri) Thursday  
PK - 5 7:55 a.m. - 2:25 p.m. 8:55 a.m. - 2:25 p.m.  


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