Principal's Corner
Welcome to Sembach Elementary School
We are glad you've taken time to learn about us. Please return often as we make frequent updates throughout the school year. You will also find interesting and worthwhile information linked to our website such as our Parent Teacher Organization events and School Advisory Committee.
Sembach Elementary School is located on the Sembach Kaserne in Sembach, Germany. SES serves approximately 240 students in Universal Pre-Kindergarten, full-day Kindergarten, and grades one - five.
Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) offers a rigorous educational curriculum. Standards and Curriculum are available for teachers and parents to access online through the DoDEA (Department of Defense Education Activity) webpage.
We provide unique and challenging learning experiences in culture and community as well as core academic subjects. Specifically, SES continues to place a focus on implementing research based instructional best practices to ensure that all students benefit academically, socially and emotionally within their learning environment. Additionally, all teachers place concentrated efforts on 21st century skills so that our students are ready for future challenges in our global society.
We also have an active School Advisory Committee. The SAC is the voice of the community and will advise the principal on matters governing school programs.
There are many reasons that Sembach Elementary School is a great school, but the most important reason is that we care about children and we will provide a learning environment where your child(ren) will be safe and grow to be long life learners and productive citizens.